We would love to have you join us for a service on a Sunday morning at 10:30 am.
As a church, we are currently in an interim period seeking the Lord for a new lead pastor.
We are taking resumes for a new full-time pastor. An independent church with Baptist roots, Fresno Church is home to a community of believers who strive to live with Christ as the center. One of our focuses is on compassion outreach ministries. We believe that we have been called to the Great Commandment to love one another, and so we focus on a range of compassion ministries that aim to provide practical assistance to people in need, including the homeless and retired community.
In addition to our outreach ministries, we are committed to financial responsibility. By utilizing fully leased facilities, Fresno Church is able to operate debt-free allowing us to focus our resources on continuing the work of spreading the gospel to our community and the world. We support a number of missionaries and mission organizations around the world through tithes, offerings, and short-term mission trips.
We embrace the importance of small groups as an integral part of the ministry, and our desire is to see this ministry flourish. We see these groups as a driving force toward spiritual growth, connection, and ultimately discipleship. We currently have several small groups actively meeting and we envision expanding and strengthening this part of our ministry.
We place a strong emphasis on the importance of prayer. We host regular prayer meetings on Wednesdays where our church family takes time to intercede for the needs and requests of our congregation. These gatherings are both an opportunity to seek God and to be encouraged by one another.
At Fresno Church, we are blessed to have a diverse community of members and attendees of many ages. We are also very fortunate to have a steady stream of first-time guests come through our doors every week. Our mission and passion are to spread the gospel by authentically presenting the Word of God on a weekly basis. We believe that God has called us to be a light in the world and we hope to share His love and message of hope with everyone we meet.
Fresno is a city of half a million people with a small-town feel. Its location in California’s central San Joaquin Valley provides access to some of God’s most beautiful natural wonders, including Yosemite, Sierra National Park, and the Golden Coast.
While maintaining deep agricultural roots, Fresno has an up-and-coming tech sector and has developed into a busy and diverse community, with cultural representation from nearly every continent.
Home to nationally recognized Fresno State University, Fresno opens its arms to over 20,000 college students through its myriad educational programs and Mountain West Conference athletic programs. As a true college town, Fresno is in continual transition with many young people coming and going in search of a better future.
While there is plenty to love about Fresno, it is not without its challenges. Poverty, crime, homelessness, ethnic disparity, and a major narcotic epidemic demonstrate the stark reality of sin’s grip while providing an epic backdrop for the life-changing power of the gospel.
Send resumes and questions to pastorsearch@fresnochurch.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FresnoChurch
The ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree and 5 or more years of local church pastoral experience.
Qualities/ Characteristics
A Pastoral candidate for Fresno Church will be yielded to the Holy Spirit’s work in his life. This will be recognized by his heart of love and compassion for all people. He will be dedicated to the spiritual and physical well-being of his church family through both difficulty and delight. He will be committed to transparency and will lead the church from a place of vulnerability. He will recognize that his sanctification is an ongoing work of grace and that as brothers and sisters in Christ, our Christian lives are a group project.
A Pastoral candidate for Fresno Church will first recognize that his skills and talents are gifts from God and that aside from the grace of God, they amount to nothing. The ideal candidate will be quick to listen and slow to speak. He will be skilled in conflict resolution, with the patience to listen and value other perspectives. He will be dedicated to Bible study, bold preaching, and rightly dividing the Word of truth. He will be a team builder, valuing and affirming the unique qualities that each individual brings to the family of God.