We would love to have you join us for a service on a Sunday morning at 10:30 am.
Fresno Church is a family of believers where Jesus is first, people are loved, and the gospel of grace is center stage. We are serious about God’s truth and Jesus’ mission. We love God and each other, we grow together in God’s word, and we seek to serve others with authentic grace and humility. We are flawed people, declared righteous by God's grace. If you're looking for a faith community that will point you to Jesus over and over again, we'd love for you to be a part!
We have two main weekly gatherings that we would love for you to be a part of.
Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 am
Our Sunday morning gathering is our main time together each week. We begin this service by worshiping Jesus through songs that remind us of who is and what he has done for us. We also spend time working through a passage of the Bible, which we believe is God's Word, seeking to understand what it means so that we can better know and follow Jesus.
Wednesday Prayer Service at 6:30 pm
I would also encourage you to join us for our Wednesday Prayer Service at 6:30 pm. Each week we gather to sing, read Scripture, and pray for the needs of our church family. We would love to have you join us!
Throughout the week we also have small groups that meet together to encourage each other, study the Bible together, and pray. Being involved in a Connection Group gives us the opportunity to care for each other, encourage one another, pray together, and support each other. They give us the opportunity to be intentional about building relationships that point us to Jesus.
At Fresno Church, we seek to be involved in our community by helping meet needs and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Tap the image below to see what's coming up and how you can be involved.
Tap the button below to see our different ministry opportunities.